F-16 pilot Maj.
Kevin Jens of the 419th Fighter
Wing from Hill Air
Force Base greets his
18-month-old son
Eric, right, wearing his hat, as
daughter Lexi, 4,
waves upon his arrival at Salt
Lake International
Airport on Thursday, April 17,
2003, in Salt Lake
City. Jens was one of more
than a hundred reservists
who returned home from
deployment in the
war on Iraq.
(AP Photo/Kent C.
Horner) |
Americans used to worry about the "domino theory" - one country going communist
and others tumbling the same way. Now some wonder whether the United States,
toppling two governments in two years, is playing dominoes, too.
In the first flush
of victory in Iraq, U.S. officials began talking tough about Syria, across
the border from a massive American invasion force. Worldwide, the threats
of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction remain - when it comes to
"axis of evil" countries, after all, it's one down and Iran and North Korea
to go.
America's armed forces,
by any measure, are on a roll.
So is it on to Damascus?
Tehran? Or Pyongyang?
Few think so.
For the first time
since Sept. 11, 2001, the United States seems ready to give peace a chance,
if terrorists will let it.
Its guard is up.
But President Bush's appetite for another pre-emptive war is evidently
down, at least in the short run.
"He will want to
take a time out, develop strategy, do a diplomatic 'shock and awe,'" said
Simon Serfaty of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "This
overwhelming display of forces awed the states that wish evil on the United
And with U.S. forces
still tied down in Afghanistan and just beginning the struggle for order
in Iraq, "there are only so many wars you can wage at the same time."
The prospect of an
America aroused to right every wrong worries plenty of people overseas.
Russia's defense minister did not wait for the Iraq war to end to voice
his concern.
"Today the United
States doesn't like Iraq," Sergei Ivanov said. "Tomorrow Syria, then Iran,
North Korea and then what - everyone else?"
Even some hawks worry
about conflagration spreading across the Middle East if the United States
should pursue another target in the region. Analysts say world reaction
would be incomparably worse than in the heated leadup to the Iraq war.
And they say invasions
are simply too costly in lives and treasure to continue carrying out, again
and again, absent direct provocation. They disagree, however, how tough
some of these countries would be to beat.
Afghanistan and Iraq
will go down as among the least costly U.S. conflicts in modern history
but sometimes vastly overmatched nations can exact a heavy price, even
win. Vietnam, in a region once at the core of domino-theory fears, showed
So far the Bush administration
is sticking to its position that North Korea and Iran can be made less
threatening through negotiation. Both countries have made positive gestures
since U.S. and British forces routed their Iraqi opposition - most notably
North Korea, which is renewing talks over its nuclear program.
With Secretary of
State Colin Powell planning to visit Syria, diplomacy has become the leading
course to discourage that country from becoming a haven for terrorists
or fleeing Iraqi America-haters. Washington also accuses Syria of having
a chemical weapons program, which Damascus denies.
"I think we have
diplomatic opportunities in each one of these countries, and we're not
on the brink of war with any," said national security analyst Peter Brookes
of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative policy group often close to
the Bush administration's thinking.
A Washington Post-ABC
News poll out Friday indicated a majority of Americans think North Korea
is a serious threat. But sentiment was strongest for a peaceful solution.
Both Iran and Syria
have international standing that eluded Saddam Hussein's Iraq or Afghanistan
of the Taliban era, analysts said - as well as terrorist ties that go at
least as deep as Iraq's did.
"Going to war with
Syria would be tantamount to going to war with all the countries of the
Middle East," Serfaty said.
North Korea is largely
isolated but highly militarized and capable of causing massive destruction
in South Korea's capital, Seoul, in short order.
A closer look:
Syria's military
resembles Iraq's prewar force but is smaller, with about 250,000 in uniform,
said a U.S. defense official, discussing intelligence information on the
condition of anonymity. It has Scud missiles, about 450 fighter aircraft
and old tanks.
Syria could undermine
the U.S. position inside Iraq by serving as a staging ground for Arab attacks
or by exporting jihad to its neighbor, said James Phillips, a Middle East
analyst at Heritage. "That's why the administration wants to warn Syria
now, while it has maximum military leverage."
"Those guys can fight,"
Serfaty said. "It would be unthinkable we would start a war against Iran
in the near future" - at least not until Iran verifiably develops a nuclear
weapons capability.
Phillips put less
stock in Iran's military, saying it has been sapped by revolution and the
1980s war with Iraq. "The problem with Iran is that it has a web of terrorist
groups it could use to indirectly target the United States," he said.
But he said the administration
has concluded "Iran could evolve according to its own methods into a state
that does not support terrorism."
A huge army and artillery
inventory, an ambitious missile program and the possibility it already
has a few nuclear weapons make North Korea an unlikely military target
unless it does something first.
"They may not be
eating much," Serfaty said, "but they are well armed and willing to fight."
