This is a private matter!
Thousands of persons have a event in their life
they would rather not discuss. It happens in a
restroom, mostly at home.

They keep plugging up the toilet!

Here is tool they could use,
instead of the plunger.

Stool Blocking Tool

Buy one for $7.99
Two for $8.99

It is designed for the type of toilet stool
most establishments have.
There are stools that handle this event
 without the need of a plundger.

There are many styles of stools                             - - -                           This is the most popular           

Looking down at the bowl, the SBT is placed over the exiting drain where its orifice is 2 inches in diameter.
The hole in the center of tool allows water to swish about and NOT disturb the tools setting.

The SBT is wider at the bottom to provide better footing while
also making it heavier, weighting it down. It is a 1/4 inch thick.
The LIP is important because when the stool hits the Tool,
the tool will flip into the Orifice.
The lip keeps the stool from entering the Orifice.

After the persons stool is deposited, a strong knife is needed with a
good grip, such as dinner table knife, to break up the stool.
The knife can become part of a kit, with the SBT, to be
stored out of site for a future use, maybe three times a week.

After cutting up the stool, place the knife into the retrieve hole,
remove the Stool Blocking Tool and FLUSH!


Created by    VERN    December 31, 2013,  revised January 2, 2014