Richard and Katie Bouwman   1852 Van Dyk RD, Everson, WA 98247
Whatcom County, Washington
Dirk's Brother was Raymond Bouwman.
Richard Bouwman is the son of Dirk (Dick) Bouwman.
Dirk Bouwman: b. 29 May 1902 Onderdendam, Bedum, Groningen, Netherlands
                            d. 2 Jul 1993 Lynden, Whatcom, Washington, United States

This Onderdendam map displays 3 numbers for photos shown below.
"BOUWMAN" means: "man who tills the land"  Or in Dutch: "man die het land bebouwt".
The name Bouwman was applied to many types of laboring occupations.
Dirk's Sister was Clara Bouwman.