Bryan has always made friends and progressed in knowing
how to do something. At age 6 he was operating a model train set, a couple years later, creating a movie theater
under the house, and in Arizona, being the class chess champion. He and I won several bowling trophies.
Here in Bellevue he was a leader in the 8th and 9th grade in helping classmates learn programing knowledge by acquiring books and teaching THEM SELFS how to program.
He even helped his teachers learn
in High School!
Along comes this
Awarding News Article.
What a Joy.
Sister and Mom helped on the route during our wonderful rainy days.
Seattle Times January 1980
Bouwman puts profits into Apple II
A young man is very busy these
days, keeping track of customers,
programing grading systems and
seating charts for school as wel l as
programming games.
Bryan Bouwman, 46052 , has
purchased a new Apple II 48K
computer with one disc drive. The
$1800 piece of magical machinery
does a lot for Bryan's hobby. He has
been busy programming and
designing new programs ever since
he acquired his computer partner. A
micro soft 16K expansion, which
adds other computer languages to
the basic unit, will soon be added to
the Apple II. number of problems."
Bryan takes time out from a new project to show his new
Apple II 48K computer. Much of Bryan's spare time is spent
in his room working out new problems/projects on this $1800
machine. Photo by Joanie Komura
Bryan started his times route
June 1, 1979, and delivers 42 daily
and 46 Sunday papers. He's a 14-
year- old ninth grader at Chinook
Junior High School.
Bryan's second most favorite
hobby (after computers) is
photography. His home is equipped
with a darkroom in which he
develops the black and white people
shots he takes in his spare time.
"This expansion will increase the capacity of the computer so I can
learn other languages (computer)," Bryan Explained. "It's used in a lot of Businesses to solve a number of problems."
Computer languages being an
important part of his life, Bryan can
go for miles without saying anything
about anything else but computers.
Just as he's finished telling about the
16K, he bounces right into the Pascal
system which is a newer language
system and even "more powerful
than the Fortran" package already
mentioned. But the conversation
does turn to paper routes eventually.
College is in Bryan's plans for the
future, no doubt to pursue a career in
computer programming. He doesn't
really think he'll do much with his
photography, except keep it as a
special spare time hobby.
Bryan lives in Bellevue with his
mon, dad and 12-year-old sister.