Traffic Revisions
in Bothell - Woodinville Area
As a citizen in the back ground, I am not saying this will in fact happen
but would it not be nice if we had these three items right now.
1. 120th AV could be extended South OVER Hwy. 522, have an interchange with Woodinville Drive and continue up the hill toward Kingsgate.

2. 139th AV at 190th ST could be a 4 lane street extending West, along North side of railroad to 131st AV, and continue West past McLendon's, curving over Summamish River and tie into Woodinville Drive.

3. 195th ST could extend East from 120th AV, under Hollyhills and continue East.

Items 1 and 2 are shown on map below in GREEN.

Click on map to see Hollyhills Detailed

Goto: Vern's Page