Raised Images & Shaded Areas "A through G" have links on map above. NOTHING ELSE.!
Map Area Links "A through G" each contain a PDF file displaying road maps where Vern and Letha have memories. They are pointed out like the message clouds in the outer Michigan area.
The area "A" is where they were married but the maps withing the PDF files were created
 by Vern before this webfile was thought of.
Those road maps are numbered "1 through 54", starting in area "G".
It might be best not to try too hard and tie the road maps together. :)

Map "A- 51" shows where Letha and Vern becamed engaged.
Map "H-5" shows where Vern ran naked through a pasture.
Map "K-15" Bryan & Kelly were on tour of W. K. Kellog factory.