Arleen's Years in Fennville
She lived here
for 14 years
1944 to 1958.
Coming to town from
Grampa & Grandma Shecklers
in the Fallof 1944;
The first house we lived in was where that pink dot is on the south side of Walter Street.
MOM worked at the postoffice stamp window and soon knew everyone in town.
Our box number was 16.
The next house was on the SW corner of Maple and 1st, across from Sanfords. This photo left shows Arleen next to the storage house.
The reason we moved there was,
MOM GOT MARRIED :). She married Irwin F. Hutchins, a quiet, Silver Star Award, WWII Veteran. The first night we lived there we were awakened in the night with a BOOM, BOOM, sound from the high school drum, beat by Grandpa Sheckler. He headed up an old fashion
"Shivaree" on Mom and Pa
Pa worked for Consumers Power. The thing
I remember about living in this house was
when Pa brought home his weekly pay, in
cash, which was lying on the table with other papers. Our cooking stove was wood burning type. Mom burned all the papers.
Yup; money also.
The third house we lived was again on Walter St., next to Consumers. The house was bigger and finally our sister Jean could be back with us. We were a family again. The main reason Jean couldn't come back to us was Aunt Edie, whom she was placed with when we left Grand Rapids, claimed Jean as her child and there was a long court battle to be won.
The photo right shows the rabbits I raised for eating. They taste just like chicken. Yum!
Click the rabbit.
The best photo I took of Arleen was when she was singing by our new piano in the dining room. Pa was really good to us. That's Sally Hutchins, our new cousin. Pa's brother, Ike, had a whole passel of kids.
Pa made a beautiful garden and in the house behind us, lived the Blackburns. A single mom with 3 sons. Albert, Bobby and Phil. They moved to Florida. I was good friends with Albert and we road our bicycles all over the country.
The last house we lived in town was behind the school. Arleen posed for this photo.
This was especially cool because it was on a hill where the street was closed for sleding in the winter. I even had skis. I gave those skis away as antiques here near the mountains of the state of Washington in October, 2016.
Jean and I graduated from High School from this house. We were so close to the school that we could wait for the bell to ring and make it to class on time by just running.
CLICK the OLD High School on the map to see the school as I remember it, IN DETAIL. Clicking any where else on the map will reveal my main town page.
Here are two more photos I took of Arleen.
Left she was 14. Loved those shoes.
Below she was 16.
I hand colored the rose - :)
Arleen, with Mom and Pa had moved to a house on Lakeside drive, by the time she was to graduate.
I believe they were the last class to graduate
from the Old School.
I too had moved in at the lake,
upon serving in the Navy for two years.
After Arleen graduated she became a secretary in Holland. In 1958 she moved to Florida,
being with child.