Afghan fighters search
caves for bin Laden
December 18, 2001 Posted:
4:30 PM EST (2130 GMT)
A C-130 leaves Camp Rhino. The
plane is the biggest aircraft currently able to land at Kandahar airport |
TORA BORA, Afghanistan
-- Afghan fighters were conducting cave-by-cave searches Tuesday, looking
for al Qaeda fighters and Osama bin Laden, as 15 of bin Laden's soldiers
arrived in Kandahar for questioning by FBI agents.
Meanwhile, many of the al
Qaeda fighters in Tora Bora who had been fighting with local tribal troops
are believed to have fled toward Pakistan.
In Washington, Marine Gen.
Peter Pace, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said there were
no bombing missions Tuesday, but added that U.S. aircraft continued flying
over the country and were available for airstrikes.
Pace said searching the caves
would take time, as there are hundreds of caves in the Tora Bora area.
"It's going to be step by
step, cave-by-cave, and to put a time limit on that would be imprudent,"
he said. |
Local anti-Taliban commanders
said new snowfall in the area hampered their search efforts, too.
U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary
Paul Wolfowitz reiterated that the United States does not where bin Laden
is, saying most of the reports on bin Laden's location are based on "second-hand"
Bin Laden has few options
if he were to escape Afghanistan, Wolfowitz said.
"Any country in the world
that would knowingly harbor bin Laden would be out of their minds," he
said. "I think they have seen what happened to the Taliban and I think
that is probably a pretty good lesson to people not to do that."
Prisoner interviews
Escorted by U.S. Marines,
the captured al Qaeda fighters arrived late Tuesday at the newly built
detention center at Kandahar International Airport, where they are to be
questioned by eight FBI agents.
Wolfowitz said that 15 prisoners
were "selected because we concluded ... that these were people who might
have important information or might themselves be senior people."
The fighters were transported
to Kandahar from a prison near Mazar-e Sharif in northern Afghanistan.
They are the first prisoners to be brought to the Kandahar facility.
Authorities released few
details about the captives, refusing to give out their names or say if
any top al Qaeda leaders were among the group.
Two of the prisoners were
driven to the entrance of the detention center, apparently because they
were injured and had trouble walking. The rest were led in about 20 minutes
later, shuffling in a line, their hands and feet bound.
FBI agents want to learn
about any planned future attacks, plus intend to glean information about
past actions, including the September 11 attacks in New York and Washington,
and the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.
Marines said the men would
be safeguarded and provided with medical care, food, shelter and water.
The prison from where the
men came is the same building where Taliban and al Qaeda fighters staged
a bloody prison uprising late last month that claimed the life of a CIA
agent. It was not immediately known if those in custody participated in
that uprising.
The intelligence chief of
Kandahar province, Haji Gulalai, said there are indications supreme Taliban
leader Mullah Mohammed Omar is believed to be in Helmand province, west
of Kandahar, in a district called Baghran.
Wolfowitz said Omar is "probably"
in the Kandahar area.
In addition, sources told
CNN that Yemeni forces initiated an attack Tuesday in an area of the country
where authorities believe a member of al Qaeda is hiding.
Celebrations, not missiles
At Kandahar, two U.S. military
C-130 transport planes originally believed to have come under fire from
surface-to-air missiles in separate incidents were not attacked, U.S. officials
said Tuesday.
Originally, Marines here
said muzzle flashes were believed to be missiles, but further analysis
showed that was incorrect, officials said. Those flashes apparently were
part of the Eid al-Fitr celebrations marking the end of the Muslim fasting
month of Ramadan, said Maj. Ralph Mills of the U.S. Central Command in
"There were no missile explosions,"
he said.
Neither plane was damaged
and the crew members are safe, Mills said.
