Retired U.S. Army
Lt. Gen. Jay Garner, third from
left, visits an
oil refinery in Basra. President Bush
has named Paul Bremer
as the top civil
administrator for
Iraq. |
-- About $1 billion was taken from Iraq's Central Bank by Saddam Hussein
and his family, just hours before the United States began bombing Iraq,
the U.S. State Department said Tuesday.
Spokesman Richard
Boucher said the government doesn't know yet where the cash might have
ended up, and U.S. agents are hunting down these and other "assets stolen
by the regime."
"We do know from
Treasury Department officials in Baghdad that approximately $1 billion
was taken from the Iraqi Central Bank by Saddam Hussein and his family
just prior to the start of combat operations," Boucher told reporters.
"We'll actively follow
up on all the leads," he said.
George Mullinax,
a U.S. Treasury Department official in Iraq to oversee the rebuilding of
the country's economy, said the withdrawal took place March 18. He said
his main sources of information were Iraqi banking officials. |
People who live near
the Central Bank told CNN that they saw three or four trucks backed up
to the bank then and that people appeared to be loading money onto the
Large amounts of
money have been found in the aftermath of the war, including the discovery
of $650 million at one of Saddam's palaces. It is not clear, however, whether
any of that money was from the Central Bank.
Citing an unnamed
banking official with knowledge of the withdrawal, The New York Times reported
that Qusay Hussein and Abid al-Hamid Mahmood, Saddam's personal assistant,
were involved. The newspaper quoted the official saying the two men had
a signed letter from Saddam authorizing the removal of the funds.
Fears have been raised
that the money is helping finance senior members of Saddam's government,
many of whom are believed to be in hiding in Iraq, according to the newspaper.
Mobile lab found?
In Washington, U.S.
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is expected to cite what the United States
says is a mobile biological weapons laboratory as evidence that Iraq had
an active bioweapons program until recently, Pentagon officials said Monday.
Pentagon officials
said Rumsfeld may mention the truck Tuesday at a Pentagon briefing.
The suspected mobile
laboratory is on a truck frame and resembles drawings shown by Secretary
of State Colin Powell at the United Nations in February, sources said.
At the time, Powell
said the United States suspected that Iraq had at least seven mobile labs.
On Friday, U.S. officials
told CNN Correspondent David Ensor that they believed a truck, seized the
previous week by U.S. troops south of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul,
may have contained a mobile biological weapons laboratory.
Pentagon officials
now say the United States has confirmed that the truck did contain equipment
for making biological agents, but no biological material was found, according
to sources.
The equipment in
the truck had "recently been thoroughly scrubbed," one official told CNN.
The official described the vehicle as looking like an old moving van with
"suspicious-looking" equipment inside.
Meanwhile, U.S.
Attorney General John Ashcroft said Tuesday that investigators believe
that "organized criminal groups" were involved in the looting and theft
of artifacts from Iraq during the collapse of Saddam's regime.
"From the evidence
that has emerged, there is a strong case to be made that the looting and
theft of the artifacts was perpetrated by organized criminal groups," Ashcroft
said at a two-day meeting at the international police agency Interpol's
headquarters in Lyon, France.
Ashcroft said the
FBI will continue to rely on the help of Interpol's communications network
to help track and return the ancient artifacts, most of which were stolen
from Iraq's National Museum in Baghdad.
Other developments
• Mohammed Aldouri,
Iraq's former ambassador to the United Nations, said President Bush, allied
with neo-conservatives, sought an enemy as early as 2000, and called Saddam
Hussein a "tyrant." In an interview published Tuesday in the Gulf News,
an English-language daily newspaper based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates,
Aldouri, 61, said that despite the appearance of loyalty he never agreed
with how the Iraqi leader treated the people of Iraq. "Tyranny contradicts
my nature and beliefs," he said.
Poland will take
an active role in the reconstruction of Iraq's economic and political institutions,
Foreign Minister Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz said Tuesday. "In the last several
years, with our economic and political transformation, we've got that kind
of experience," Cimoszewicz said. His remarks were made during a short
news conference with U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell after the two
met Tuesday morning. (Full story)
• President Bush
named former U.S. State Department counterterrorism chief L. Paul Bremer
as the United States' top civil administrator for Iraq, an administration
source told CNN. Bremer will focus on political issues, while retired Army
Lt. Gen. Jay Garner, director of the Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian
Assistance, will focus on humanitarian relief and reconstruction, Pentagon
officials said. Both men will report to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
• Spanish troops
in Iraq are soon to become involved in security and policing tasks, Spain's
Defense Minister Federico Trillo announced Tuesday, one of his top aides
told CNN. Until now, Spain's role has been limited to humanitarian efforts.
Spain will formally make the offer allowing its troops to undertake security
tasks at an international conference on Iraq to be held in London on Thursday,
the aide said.
• Rescued prisoner
of war Pfc. Jessica Lynch is suffering from a form of amnesia, preventing
her from remembering details from the time she was ambushed in Iraq to
a point during her captivity there, authorities said Monday. Lynch suffered
a head laceration and spinal injury, and her legs and her right arm and
foot were broken during her ordeal in Iraq. Lynch, who recently turned
20, has been recuperating at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington.